Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Community Sustainable Initiative - SS5

The SS5 Neighbourhood Watch is synonymous with its Chairman, Mr Sanggat Singh. One can easily confuse with the administrative boundary of SS5 and SS5D Neighbourhood Watch, but never able to ignore the presence of Mr Sanggat. It is so dominant that all activities carried out are bearing with his believe and value.

As an advocate for peace and inter-faith, many of the community programmes were planned with the principles of peace and social integration in mind. For example, prayer session by different religious representatives is conducted at the beginning of an event, signaling high tolerance and mutual respect.

The participation of multi-stakeholders, internally and from external is very encouraging. Their involvement have not only widened the social networking of the local residents, but also their awareness and knowledge on sustainability issues. I believe, this form of collaboration between NGOs and CBOs is a must for Local Agenda 21 to move forward.

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