Saturday, May 1, 2010

CSR at Work

I learned a lesson about corporate social responsibility last Thursday. While many corporates have carried on with the CSR programmes for PR purpose and to fulfill minimum requirement on good governance, very few have done with thoughtful and thorough planning. AkzoNobel company proved me wrong.

I have discussion with them over the suggestion of partnering in the River Rehabilitation programme. We are thinking of encouraging community based organisations to adopt the drains and rivers fronting their neighbourhood. The Adoption Scheme involves keeping an eye on the drains, preventing pollutants from the drains, cleanliness and beautification and other activities with community participation. One of the interesting activities was painting mural on the surface of monsoon drain. That's why a meeting was set up with representatives from AkzoNobel to discuss their involvement and contribution.

They mentioned to me the many CSR programmes they have done worldwide. One of the principle strike me the most is their pre-evaluation process in deciding project participation. For example, in order for them to help in the drain adoption project, they will have to send in their Safety, Health and Environmental team for further evaluation. And if they decided to participate, it is not only on kind contribution, but engaging the local to work together with their staff. They will dispatch professional painters to guide local on the proper painting works or even to do in entirely on their own. According to them, they have the duty to educate people on colour and methods of sustaining the painting work. I personally impress with this philosophy of educating people by sharing their experience and know how.

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