Monday, November 22, 2010


I was made to understand that providing a car park lot in a complex will require 350 sq. ft of space. This includes the turning and passage for the car movement. No wonder when the Petaling Jaya City Council increased the requirement for car parking provision on condominium from 2 lot per unit plus 20% for visitor to 2.5 lot per unit plus 30% for visitor, the project proponents objected strongly to the requirement. This means from ratio of 2.4 lot to 2.75 lot, an increment of 0.35 lot per unit of dwelling. They explained that development cost will increase and finally the house purchasers will be paying extra.

The Council has proposed the changes due to heavy traffic congestion along the main road adjacent to condominium area due to insufficient of car parking provision in the condominium compound. It is also known that average car ownership in PJ has reached 2.4 cars per household. The trend is anticipated increasing with affluent society of PJ and inefficiency of public transportation network and infrastructure. People even those who cannot afford or those who prefer to take public transport, have no choice but rely on own transport for commuting. Hence, the request for car parking facilities.

So, what is the solution then? To request the project proponents to provide less car parks but without immediate solution or asking them to provide more car parks that cost will be absorbed by the house buyers? I presume sufficient car parking facilities is required as providing a solution to traffic management is critically needed. However, the requirement should also look into locality and other criteria. For example, if a TOD development is proposed, then less car parking should be required. Perhaps for the development site near to public transportation hub or park and ride facilities, the requirement should be reduced and incentives should be given if the project proponents contribute towards building the facilities.

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