Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Culture vs Environment

It was reported that during the period of Ching Meng Festival scheduled on the 5th April each year in which the Chinese will visit the graveyard in remembering their late ancestors, approximately RMB 10 billion worth of paper-made products were burned. It is the believe of the Chinese that their late ancestors have gone to another world upon death and to ensure that they enjoy a better lifestyle, goods ranging from cash, personal care items, houses, cars to jewellery or telecommunication products should be sent to them via burning.

While it is traditionally a must, some have argued that we should have done away with this practice as the burning is a wastage and does not seem to be environmentally friendly. As replacement, perhaps money for purchasing the items can be donated out to charities. Perhaps flowers can also be used for the remembering purpose.

I think better solutions can be found to juggle between tradition and environment.

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