Thursday, July 14, 2011

Corporate Inspiration

I attended a briefing on Mongolia recently. While knowing the potential and prospect of the Country is refreshing to me, the conductor of the session is equally amazing to me. He is so inspiring that everyone has no time to think twice on what he conveyed but followed the tune of his dance. I think it is a skill for born leader. It is a life experience sharing that awaken everybody up. I, myself revisit what I have done so far in my life and start thinking of where is my next destination.

Everybody talking about inspiration and trying to motivate others. It is not an easy task of selling your ideas and thoughts as well as convincing others what you have said and done is what they actually want. Many of the time we saw managers failed to bring their message across simply because of their own failure in convincing others. They have, either failed in their appearance, communication, preparation or even characteristics. At time you might sense that they are not even able to motivate they own self. If you cannot even motivate yourself, then how can you expect others to be motivated by you. The body language is simply cannot be hidden.

The conductor has demonstrated to us that keep talking and people believe on what you say, but provided that what you are talking about make sense, realistic and achievable. No point of talking something superficial and unattainable. Worst still talking something without any follow up actions. It is critical for action-oriented talking rather than talk first action later kind of approach. It is more convincing of showing somebody that action has been taken and in progress while talking is on going. In this respect, I have much admiration for the session conductor whom has not only done his home work on talking, but action taking.

The session also is an eye opener for me to witness how corporate is operating in the real world. The Corporate sector can be very cruel and performance-oriented. It is a world filled with $ sign and deliver or you go kind of approach. You are the king the moment you delivered, but the next moment you can be on your door out if you fail in mission given. Sympathy can be the last and least word in use. Having said this, it is hope too as many corporates are embarking on CSR initiative. An initiative that stakeholders will judge the responsiveness of the corporate towards society and environment.

I wish to attend more such session and applying many of the good measurement of private sector into the public and community sphere.

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