Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Labour Day 2013

1st of May is the Labour Day. A Day celebrating the contribution of the workers for nation building and services rendered. It is also a Day to raise awareness on the welfare of employees and need to protect them from manipulation and abuse. This especially so towards the child labour and the vulnerable group. Agenda 21, the global blueprint for sustainable development recognises the contribution of workers as one of the major groups in helping to achieve sustainability. It is stated in Chapter 29 of Agenda 21 that welfare, capacity and capability of workers should be strengthened and enhanced. Workers being the bigger group in job place, production line and also as the consumers have role to play in sustainability. For those in the production line, adopting green or 3R concept in manufacturing for example will help protecting the resources ot the Earth from dilapidating. As consumers, making sure that spending is not excessive and fulfilling the needs rather than the greed shall be helpful as well. As those involve in the supply chain of production or become part of the whole life cycle of products, contribution of workers is undoubtedly very important. Hence, achieving sustainable development without acknowledging the contribution of the workers is not completed. Happy Labour Day.

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