Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Economic Downturn vs. Sustainable Development

We always listen to and discuss about the impact of climate change towards the Earth and human being. We talked about how global warming has melted the iceberg in North Pole and then after the rise of sea water level and the effect of CER reaching 400ppm and beyond. All these are making the World less sustainable. We talked about how to make sustainable development to be sustained further and better. But, who care especially during the economic downturn and financial turmoil crisis now! If majority of the people are adversely affected by their job, income and high inflation that making the cost of living unbearable and reducing their affordability for owning house and better lifestyle for example, certainly we cannot expect them to concentrate their energy and effort on sustainable development. However, unless the notion of achieving sustainable development is also meant to saving one’s pocket without compromising the quality of life, the aim of sustainable development will be distracted because of economic impact. This is the topic of discussion for many in the environmental cycle. The United Nations is taking the lead of initiating a discussion on the impact of global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development. What say you?

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