Thursday, August 7, 2008

National Day Celebration for 2008 (2)

Well, what can I say? After fourth year of celebrating Independent Day with the community groups, NOT many have incorporated environmental education and awareness programmes, leave alone the actual sustainable development initiatives into their activities. The community groups are keen to have fun-filled style of celebration rather than finding real solutions to the environmental degradation problems. These desires are good on enhancing social integration, but worrying.

LA 21 PJ has taken the lead to organise and coordinate celebrating activities with the motive of providing logistic support and a platform to community groups to organise activities during the festive month. It is hope that by doing so, some form of environmental education can be disseminated along the process and NGOs are invited to partner them on those programmes. We have suggested and implemented for the past 4 years activities like tree planting, Envirohunt challenge, area beautification contest, health check, cleanliness campaign, alien fish competition, demonstration on composting etc.

This year i don't see any such initiative except the planting of hibiscus trees, the national flower in SS2B area and recycling activity at the SS2 South Neighbourhood. Perhaps it is time now to change the model for implementation.

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