Monday, October 27, 2008

Contrast@PJ: Outdated but forgotten

When the wireless communication was first started, numbers of hotpot was installed at various places in the city centre. These hotpots were highlighted by the presence of signage to tell users such a facilities were provided within the vicinity. Over years, newer technologies emerge and browsing the net or engaging with mobile phone is no longer restricted by the availability of these points of contact.
While technology advancement is commendable, the usual practice of not taking down what have been up there is rampant in PJ or even other parts of Malaysia. We saw the abandoned footage for billboard, the overhang of signage on lamp posts, the planting of rubbish bins stand on the roadside, the placing of unused 3R bins at various strategic places, the broken flower pots, the abandoned police bit base and car parking attendants' cabin, the scattering of construction fabric at the former construction site and etc. We tend to forget to clear and return the site to original after using it. We, definitely have not in built the maintenance culture into our norms and working culture.
The question is what to do? Shall we embark on running greater maintenance culture campaign? Shall we punish the culprits for job unfinished and hold them responsible by imposing higher deposit? Shall we just simply not allowing such actions with chances of damaging the environment, if we are not sure that the environment can be restored to the original after use? Definitely, greater enforcement and follow through is critical.

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