Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sustainable Landscaping

I was interviewed on the landscaping in relation to sustainable development last Tuesday. While landscaping can beautify a place, it does not necessary make it sustainable. Thereby, comparing landscaping and beautification to greenery and environmental protection is not exactly the same. For example, a golf course although having a lot of greenery might be deteriorating the surrounding environment and stream due to the extensive use of fertiliser. Similarly concreted floor is slowing down the run off in which a flash flood might happen.

Hence, the concept of sustainable landscaping is important and should be given due consideration for those who would like to beautify their compound and to preserve a good quality of living. The question is what do we mean sustainable landscaping? To me, as long as the planning and developing process of a landscaped area is done with the followings in mind: zero waste, zero carbon, minimum disturbance to the ecological system as well as user friendly. The landscaping should have optimised the resources and utilised the natural resources.

For example, harvesting rain water for purpose of watering the plants and used for fish pond; using recyclable building material for construction of gazebo and pergola or even the used tyre for flower pots; using the shape of trees for shelter; using solar lamp for lighting; laying inter-locking tiles for flooring instead of the cement floors; planting with functionality rather than only aesthetics value in mind and etc.

To me, the quote of "Being environmental friendly can be profitable" is perfect for sustainable landscaping. While aesthetic value and beautification can be preserved, the sustainable development can be applied. The owner can enjoy the scenery and at the same time feel good of being environmental friendly.

If everyone of us has thought about this in our daily life, then sustainable development is not that far from achieving, i believe.

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