Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Social Integration

Social integration is easy to say been done. The Prime Minister of Malaysia advocate 1Malaysia concept by calling everyone to be united and working together for a common goal. The pre-requisite for this to realise is getting Malaysian from different ethnic, religions, socio-cultural background, social and education status to mingle with each others, to understand each others, to work, play and live together. Opportunities must be there to allow these from happening. We must create forum and platform for people with different walks to meet, chit-chat and understand each others first before getting them to discuss common issues and solutions.

Thereby, using the festive season celebration we have is considering the best platform we have. When Malay is celebrating the Raya Open House, others can make themselves be presence, similarly others can patronise our friends during the Chinese New Year, Thaipusam, Deepavali, Christmas and other celebration. It is the best time for creating mutual understanding and bargaining for privileges as all are having festive and relax mood.

Social integration will become a lip service if we do not act but mere talking. Everyone is obliged of initiating a first move towards social integration. For example, try to understand others' celebration, respect others for their right in celebrating their festival and to participate, if invited. While this might not happen over night as more education efforts need to be done to erase any doubt, if any. I am optimistic now after witnessing what happened last Sunday night.
I saw people with different ethnic and religion background attending the Easter Celebration Concert. The attendees enjoyed the songs rendered by popular artists such as Jacelyn Victor, Suwito and Patrick Leong.

I personally hope that concerts or events with this magnitude and public presence will continue. Although a small step, but it is definitely a right step towards greater social integration.

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