Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rubbish Free City of Kota Kinabalu

I was impressed with the visionary approach by Kota Kinabalu City Hall in making the city rubbish free. It is a collective efforts and none of the stakeholders can do it alone. For example, although the fast food restaurant chain can have a clean and rubbish free environment within their compound, the surrounding area with others if not kept clean will render the whole effort goes into vain. The City Hall is leading by example in declaring A Rubbish Free Office throughout their whole premises. The banners with tag line of Rubbish Free are visible anywhere in the department and even toilets. From what have told us, they are very enthuatiatic and optimise about the effort as what they have successfully done for the Anti Littering Campaign. As the Director General said it, he might not be able to witness the full realisation, but it is a process that need to be done now or for never. The idea was conceived by a young officer who has such an innovative and brave idea of changing the rotten mind set of many. In a way, the campaign has touched on many aspects of sustainable development, namely the capacity building, leadership, partnership and collaboration, leading by example, social and economy as well as the environment. I believe for sustainable development to realise on the ground, this is essential.

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