Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smart Cities

The recent released World Bank Report on Monitoring Malaysia Economy highlighted the need for smart cities concept to spur the economic growth in our country. The Report elaberated on the compact city concept to optimise the resources and to reduce the generation of green house gases, the ecological friendly components of cities and natural environment, prevention of urban sprawl with improved land use planning and public transportation. Everything about good planning and governance practices are explained. While these are not new as most if not all the development plans have similar concept and vision, the effective implementation of these policies and strategies are highly in doubt. We spoke about liveability and sustainability but many of the programmes have been implemented selectively or flavoured to part of the total concept. It is not desirable as all of us knew that bottomline for sustainable development to work is the integrating and balancing of 3 different dimensions of development, namely social, economy and environment.

Apart from that, smart cities require highly skill and knowledge talented workforce. Without intelligence in place, how can the innovation and creativity be explored and executed? Then, it comes back to the availability of pool of human resources in which the education system and living environment will determine the success of a smart city. At the end of the day, how smart a city is very much depended on how smart the people are especially the city managers, I believe.

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