Monday, April 16, 2012

Bloody Thief

One of my Neighbourhood Watch Committee Member was met with serious injuries after attacking by the snatch thief yesterday afternoon. He and another member were on alert after spotting a suspect loitering at the SS25 exit of Kelana Jaya LRT Station around 2pm. They contacted the police and together with the patrol car trying to catch the thief on bike. However, while escaping from them, the thief with no consideration at all hitting on my member resulting him with fracture and bloody injuries. He was admitted to emergency ward immediately. Thank you God he is recovering now.

Hearing of the news this morning, I felt entirely exhausted and sad that how can on Earth a criminal so daring to kill others and trying to power over other for few dollars. Why is it so bad crime like this happened during day time. What else for the commoner if crime can occur in front of the nose of the police. I always talk about self help to my neighbours in which we should come forward and safe guard ourselves rather than relying on the security force to protect us. We might need to make team to patrol our area, to get everyone on board to create greater social integration and extending helping hand whenever necessary. However, under this circumstances, with life threatening to two of our most active committee members, Steven and Law, I am not sure others will have the same confidence and interest. Some might have even considering to move out from the neighbourhood area.

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