Monday, September 22, 2008

Customer Relationship Management

I attended a 2-day course for Customer Relationship Management last weekend. It is about meeting the demands as demanded by the customers for maximum profits. As customer is the one who pay for our services, his continue support and purchase is critical in sustaining the businesses. In order to sustain the profitability, fulfilling customers satisfaction and retention is critical. If a customer does not satisfy with the services rendered, then the possibility of losing this particular customer and the risk of losing other prospects as well. He may influence and bad mouth to his circle of friends about the lousy services as he perceived. Hence, a customer lifetime value is important as it will determine the sustainability of the businesses and how well and how far the businesses can go.

Having said this, loyalty of customers is demising now as more competition for new products and services are in offer. Customers have plenty of choices as some might prioritised prices over the product or may be attracted by the promotion package rather than the place. So, retaining customers' loyalty is getting more complex now. A competitive strategic encompassing the 4P is essential.

For local authorities, while fulfilling the aspiration of their stakeholders for a livable environment is important, having an effective customer relationship management system is equally critical. Most of the time, local authorities are criticised for not being able to act quickly and comprehensively on public complaints due to capacity constraints, worst still do not acknowledge and response at all to the complainant. This is a CRM disaster. By having an effective complaints management system plus ever ready communication channel with the public and media will ensure that local authority will always on the news, with right reasons.

CRM is about human relationship. How to create and maintain a cordial relationship amongst mankind for greater benefit, that is peaceful and harmony society in the case of community and profit in the case of businesses. It is about respecting and appreciating your customer, suggesting a solution on their shoe and doing the best for them.

The class was held on 21st September, coincidentally with the International Day of Peace. The objective of the Day is attainable if everyone practices CRM truly and comprehensively.

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