Monday, September 1, 2008

Social Responsibility (2) - TetraPak

Recycling Campaign is moving into the Ramadan Bazaar. For the first time, LA21PJ is capitalising on the huge crowd of Ramadan Bazaar for recycling promotion. It is hope that the message on 3R can be disseminated to wider spectrum of society. This initiative is made possible with the cooperation and support from TetraPak.

Unbelievable goodies are offered for this beverage cartons recycling campaign. For every 3 empty cartons, a packet of drink will be given and on top of that a lucky draw coupon is given to those send in 30 empty cartons. Apart from that, ONE YEAR FREE supply of soy beans is offered to a winner with correct answer for a guessing game. This roadshow type campaign will be there for a month.

The campaign is part of the on-going contest organised by MBPJ and TetraPak for CBO and NGO in PJ. A total of RM34,000 as prize money is offered. This is part of the initiative of LA21PJ to instill awareness on recycling and 3R. The Initiative is not possible without full support and involvement of TetraPak. While TetraPak has committed the program as part of the CSR initiative, the success and effective implementation is not achievable without the dedication of Terrynz and Teresa, both the staffs of TetraPak. They have showcased to other recycling players a good example on initiating and following through a successful campaign.

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