Monday, March 12, 2012

Art of Speaking

Speaking is not a problem for many people. Most of the time, we talk to each others. However, speaking with fact, confidence, convincingly, precisely and more importantly without hurting others is not an easy task. We have to talk to someone politely even though it means confronting others. Sometime the way we express ourselves or voice out with high or low tune will bring in different meanings regarding what we want to communicate. You must express sympathy and lower down the tune whenever you are trying to comfort someone encountering bad moment in life. Similarly, if you want to congratulate someone for his achievement, it is undesirable to express how you feel with sad wordings or face. In this respect, speaking is truly an art. It is no wonder that many public speaking courses and colleges have been set up to cater to the need of teaching people how to speak professionally.

I have come across at many occasions some people who might have spoken about wrong things during wrong time at the wrong forum. For example, talked about internal conflict and problems of the organisation during celebration function attended by externality. Talked about scientific terminology such as effects of carbon dioxide on climate change to the small kid is considered targeting wrong group. We should be cautious on what we talk and think twice before opening the mouth. This is especially so for the angry man who might have not been able to refrain from throwing whatever words come to his mind immediately.

Not many are born orator and can deliver speech impromptu at any occasion. In order for us to speak precisely and fulfilling the objective of speaking, well preparation can be of help. Prepare in advance the speech with research, study the characteristic of target group, familiar with the environment and practice until you are confident enough to talk without holding the piece of paper, I presume.

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