Monday, December 31, 2012
Bye 2012
Another year is gone and we are awaiting the arrival of New year, 2013. It is time now to share the endeavour of last one year.
For the MBPJ OSC Unit, end of October must be a time to be remembered. The Unit moved to a new office after squatting in a highly congested space since its' inception in Year 2007. Early of 2013, the Unit will also welcome its' 3 new staff which is long over due. Such an amazing transformation is in waiting. The full force will hopefully gear the Unit forward in achieving targets set. With less manpower, however the staff has given all they can afford and managed to pull through a tall order on enhancing the efficiency, reputation and image of MBPJ and in particular the Unit. Thousand thanks also to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors and technical departments for realising the target set, e.g. OSC MBPJ: Pioneering the Gateway of Development.
On the core business of OSC, it is also time for celebration as many innovations/activities were carried out. These include the achievemenet of 85% KPI compared to 84% last year. The publishing of policies and guidelines via the web site of MBPJ. The requirement for planning permission application for development project be submitted through the OSC Online system. The workshop amongst all technical departments resulting in better coordination. The inception of OSC Technical Committee Meeting to discuss technicalities of project before forwarded to the OSC Committee for discussion. The exemption of planning permission given to detached houses in the residential area with previous master plan approval. Starting from 1st January 2013, all submission for development will be done through the OSC Online and at the same time, lanscape plan approval will have to be submitted together with planning permission application.
For low carbon green initiative, many were done and preparation for a hectic 2013 is anticipating. These include the implementation of Strategic Partnership with KeTTHA, the setting up of organic waste composting centre in Jalan Othman Market, Retrofiting HQ of MBPJ for green features, potential use of wastewater for landscaping purpose, organising the Green Tour, capacity building programme for kindergarten teachers and others ongoing programmes. Without initiatives and cooperation from other stakeholders especially the departments, I believe the achievement can be possibly meeting its target effectively.
Green Assessment Rebate
MBPJ's Efforts Are Commendable
Recycle for Good Reason
Going Green for CNY
LED Lighting for Backlanes
Launching of 2012 Green Assessment Rebate
Online Billing for Low Carbon
Green Personality
I thank you all. Happy New Year 2013.
Petaling Jaya,
Planning Concept
Sunday, December 30, 2012
After leaving school for more than 20 years, I was back to school again, the primary one. All this possible because of my daugther. She will enrol to Standard One this coming 2nd January 2013. Having a brief visit to the school, I realised that nowasday the students are so lucky with luxury of hard infrastructure. Every classroom is equipped with fans, pa system, LCD projector and big screen. The hall is air-conditioned. The basketball court is covered. The walkway from the main gate to the classroom is covered. However, it comes with a price, I think. The compound is hardly having a green space, let alone the footfield. Most of the available land have been concretised. Perhaps the present planning standard of allocating 30% of school land as green open space shall be amended as well with this current transformation of school buildings layout.
Having said this, looking at the size of school bag and many of them having wheel trolley type of bag, I am a bit pity for the small kid. It is definitely of a burden for them to carry. Some, I saw even with the bag touching the ground. Why should they carry so much books and material? Why can't a cabinet allocated to them for storing? Or, better still to have the E-Learning and E-Submission of Home Work? Perhaps with the emerging of digital age, this should be looked into and accepted by the older generation as a way forward.
The school is having 3600 pupils and more than 110 teachers. It is a community by itself and functioning from 6am to 6pm every weekday. While it is a place to produce the leaders of future and for the mankind, its' impact on environment is great. It consumes a lot of energy, water, and food as well as generating the waste and carbon. How wonderful if the school can turn into a Zero-Waste Emission establishment, in line with the 3R at source concept. I wish I could contribute towards achieving this objective.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Level of Playing Field
Same level of playing field is always used either as an excuse or justification for failure or success. For example, if a team lossed in a competition, the team might want to find an excuse and the playing field is not equal was always quoted. When we want to help someone by creating criteria or category that will flavour to our prefered team, then this is called justification. After involving with many community development programmes on the grassroot level for many years, I could conclude that no level of playing field is the same. The nature of neighbourhood, the demographic profile of the community, the different of socio-economic status, the difference in upbringing path, education and even the living environment make it very difficult for having an identical neighbourhood. When this happened, to set a criteria that give upmost advantages to a particular neighbourhood is, to me very tough unless we tailored made it.
Having said this, the very best can do for many who run a competition is to set criteria or standard that become norm and accepted to the majority. It is important these criteria to make known to everyone well in advance, to communicate effectively with everyone include the jury and prospective participants. More critically everyone should know in advance so that they are not caught off guard in making the preparation.
If an international or national or city standard has been set, made known to everyone and has been accepted, are we going to lower our criteria so that the individual who cannot meet the standard can have a same level of playing field? Some might think so. For example, to lower the passing mark in an examiniation so that the passing rate can maintain or improve. Similarly if a quota to be met, perhaps it is not uncommon that the checking criteria be changed. However, in most of the occassion especially for a contest, it is not ethical to change the criteria to give advantages to the weaker teams, I presume.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Such a wonderful feeling in the Day of Christmas that some media labelled me as one of the top personalities in Petaling Jaya for the Year of 2012. While it is an honour for this recognition, I strongly believe that others are also deserving the recognition due to them. In my humble opinion, everyone or any action with good deed to enhance the image and quality of living in Petaling Jaya or to make this city a liveable place deserves recognition and worth for merit mentioning. I attribute this honour to all who have contributed in making Petaling Jaya a Low Carbon Green City. These include the Mayor of PJ; Deputy Mayor; Councillor Khairul, Cynthia, Terrance, Richard and Ghazali; Head of Department e.g Sharipah, Hamidah, Zuraidah, Dr Citra, Sa'diyah; others such as Nordiana, Norhaizey, Azurah, Hanizah, Shukor, Azhar, Azizah, Zainun, Tengku, Norsita, Fadzila, Nurbaiti, Ku, Hazimi, Nurfadhilah, Mahmood, Nurizan, Azni, Firdaus, Sharinaz, Norasparani; and of course last but not least the staff of OSC Unit. Not forgetting also the external stakeholders whom extending their expertise, knowledges and time.
Environmental Conservation,
Petaling Jaya
Friday, December 21, 2012
Property Assessment Rate Rebate of PJ 2012
65 out of 71 applicants for assessment rate rebate scheme in Petaling Jaya was rewarded yesterday. They got the rebate ranging from 25% to 100% for doing good towards environment. The Scheme reward house owners that have retrofiting their house with green equipment, application or procurement of green technology products. More importantly the Scheme gave much recognition to the owners for their behavioural change on environment. For example, reduce their consumption on water and electricity usage as well as practicing the recycling concept. It is an easy gesture of getting discount for the prperty tax of your house. For instance, walking for all commuting to work and leisure place. The Scheme has made it easy for all owners regardless of their social status, type of properties or availability of infrastructure.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
3R: What is the priority?
3R means reduced, reused and recycled. It is the progressive steps in the effective resource utilisation and waste management. For production line, it is hope of every manufacturers to use less resources but for higher yield and quality products. Of course to have less waste by product. For consumers, of course to consume less means they will have to pay less. Going to this arguement, by right everybody will observe principle of 3R because this will save their pocket and the waste to be managed should be reduced. However, the opposite is recorded as more and more waste are produced in the factories, houses and shops. What happen then? Is that because of economic reason that higher production as demanded by market resulted in more waste as by product? Or because of many technologies used are not resource optimisation friendly? Or because the high income and higher desire in life for the consumers that many of them can afford to spend more? This question will remain to be answered as long as economic, technological and social disparity exist between the rich and poor individual or nation. So, the question of reduced might have slipped away from everyone priority.
Then, comes to the reused. Many do not mind to have second hand goods from the junk shops as long as these are useable and presentable. More so, if the valuable items are sourced from antique shops and of course many do not mind to get gorgeous clothes from the film star, I presume. However, if the new items are getting cheaper, then many will not mind to change to new items instead of getting the old items for repair. For example, the electrical home appliances are so affordable now basically nobody would like to keep the old one longer than its life span. For technology savvy people of groups pursuing fashionable items, changing handphones, hand bags, watches, shoes and luxury items are common. This, of course go against the purpose of reused. For producers, reused might not be too friendly to their business core value.
That's why I believe many at this functure focusing on recycling because of the agenda as discoursed above. It serves the purpose of collecting the waste and turn into the resources for manufacturing use. It serves the purpose of using the goodness of products first before disposing it. It serves the purpose of producing more. The advantages can go further and more, I believe.
For an effective 3R concept to be implemented, to me it comes down, and comes down hard to every individual. It is a matter of personal preference of doing good for the environment, and of course our own pocket. The accusses of not enoungh recycling bins, too cheap the water bill, everyone can afford to fly and buy, neccesity of having this or that and etc might not hold water any more...
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Year End Meetings
Coming to the year end, so many meetings or seminars or outings are on the pipeline rushing through before the festive season. Some might be doing so for them to free themselves from all mind bothering events. Some might be doing so due to the meeting of deadline or target of the year. Some might be doing so because it is school holiday and thy have the committment with their children and family. Many have done so because all in seldom they realise that so much resources to spare before the account closed. This, might be due to oversight or too conservative of spending at the beginning of the year. Some, I believe are working hard to plan their activities for next year. This is the busy time of refreshing what have been achieved for the last one whole year and to set the target for next year. Whatever the reason is, the conference rooms at the hotels especially the resort type are fully booked now.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Green Technology Policy
The Workshop on Green Technology Policies Between Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) with Stakeholders held recently, to me is a success. Apart from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government who used to have dialogue sessions and consultation with the local authorities, very few or none at all agencies or ministries at the Federal level have engaged local government to discuss challenges and issues about national policies. Well done, KeTTHA.
The Workshop enlightened the participants on policies set for helping the Country to achieve 40% pre GDP of GHG reduction by Year 2020. Strategies by sectors are also highlighted. Some Initiatives derived from energy management, waste water management, waste management were shared by implementing agencies. It was, however the sharing of action plans by repesctive State Government of Penang and Negeri Sembilan impressed me the most. It is heartening to notice that the State Governments have started the pursuing of low carbon society and green technology vigorously. Mechanisme and governance system apart from target setting are well in placed. I do hope that other State Government will do so.
Having said this, the missing link identified during the Workshop was vertical communication between different level of governance is insufficient. Most of the time we witness top down policies without much input from the grassroot or users or beneficiary being implemented and might not have met the desired objective. I believe more meaningful and constructive engagement with all stakeholders must be carried out. The policies for effective implementation must be inclusive and able to create the sense of ownership for all parties.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Stage of LA 21
I was invited to talk on Post Rio+20 and The Way Forwards for Local Authorities recently. My audience was the officers from local authorities throughout Malaysia. Under the 10th Malaysia Plan, by right all local authorities have implemented the Local Agenda 21 Initiative. However, it proved me wrong as many who have attended the Talk seem not to understand or even to know about the Initiative. I am speechless to talk about Rio+20 because even Rio Earth Summit was not awared. I am not very sure is this because of apathy or too many other programmes that distract people attention and focus on LA 21. Perhaps it is time to relook and revisit the original objectives of Agenda 21 at local level and its roles in furthering sustainability for Local Government.
During my recent visit to Rio+20 Summit and ICLEI World Congress in Brazil. I heard about how other local governments worldwide have eagerly pursuing sustainability and addressing challenges of climate change. So many good initiatives were shared and to be learnt. Looking at what others have done, I realised that although Petaling Jaya City Council has done numerous initiatives, much more can be and have to be done. Many Local Government showed their committment towards climate change mitigation and adapatation measures, But again here in Malaysia, many of us might not heard about the differences between mitigation and adapatation, I presume.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Corporate Social Responsibility
The 2 days 11th Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility just concluded at Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. I have the opportunity to listen fo many great theories and ideologies as well as real case studies and best practices by others all over the World. It is amazing to note that CSR has been embedded into the corporate culture and core business value of many in private sector. However, it is also concern that many especially the SMEs have long way to go. The emerging economies like China, India and Indonesia witnessed the booming of responsible corporate citizen, either at the philanthrophy and infant stage or moving into aspects associated to moral, logical and economic reason.
It is also note that no one model can fit all. Under different countries profile, demographic scenario, economic growth and even the culture will determine how CSR can excel in a locality. While we learnt and took note of the success, it is also important to modify and adjust a successful model with own local circumstances. For example, the CSR model of Philippines with much participation of NGOs simply cannot replicate in China presently due to the political and socio-economic differences.
While businesses are pursuing CSR eagerly to gain competitive advantages and further the market share, it is also a danger of doing so without collaboration and taking into consideration the need of the needy or other stakeholders. Many resources wasted in the process of helping the underprivilleges without tailor make the assistance to their needs. For example, it is useless of supplying computer to rural people for bridging digital divide if the community is living without electricity supply. The businesses must learn to help the community first and in return helping themselves. For example, it is logical for an electrical appliances makers to install solar pv panel to a community in which the need for electricity goods will follow through later.
Many have been talking about NGOs and corporates in which the role of government has not been highlighted much. Many reckoned that government can play a facilitating role in catalysing the collaboration and partnership. Many has sceptical about compounding corporates to do CSR through enactment of legislations and to them mere compiance of legislation cannot be constituted as CSR. For example, it is not right for a developer to claim that they build the overhead bridge for convenience of public if the construction is part of the condition for planning permission. Of course, it comes to the issue of ethical and value system.
CSR is about process and value and NOT profit alone, i would said. In order to bring CSR to higher ground, social innovation in which shared value must be in place. It is a value shared by and concurred by all stakeholders, the businesses, the consumers, the community, the suppliers and of course the environment. Without one or ignorance of any one, for sure CSR is incomplete.
It is also interesting to note that some corporates have listed environment as the stakeholder to work with. This especially during the stage of resource extraction and products end of life. It is important to see the carrying capacity of the Earth is not burdened by the economic activites. It is critical to convert the waste into precious resources while everyone thought the used products should be discarded in the land field.
I learnt about the growth of social organisation into a social enterprise. For this entity, market and profit is not the ultimate aim but rather serving the neglect needy and field. It should be rightly so or else the businesses for sure will want to go to market that guarantee financial return. It is in danger of leaving entire issues and challenges to the businesses. We need people with social heart and passion to serve and to be inspired by them. The youth especially need role model to emulate. This group needs encouragement as well to be innovate, creative and bold in helping the needy.
So, what is there for MBPJ as a local government? While many said that as a local government, all the services are social oriented and with people in mind. If this is the reasoning, then perhaps the issue of urban poverty, pollution, traffic congestion and etc would not come in place. I believe MBPJ has to start thinking about bigger role as a corporate and wider responsibilities beyond as service providers. We are also communicator, facilitator, developer, coach, legislator and of course the champion. We need first perhaps to set up the structure of governance, to take sotck of what current situation now, to draft a strategic plan and implementation. I believe since other major stakeholder groups are pursuing this, no reason for local government as major partner kn sustainable development not doing so...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Employees dilemma
How to explain to others that you have been transfered to other position within 24 hours? How to argue that what you have gone through might not law binding? What to expect if you have been promised to stay put but caught off guard for an order to go? These are questions bothering many employees, I think....
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Budget announced last week provided so many goodies for people. Basically everyone will have a share on it. Students will get RM250 each, even for young people, they can have rebate of RM200 to purchase smart phone. It is a people's budget, some said. Some, of course worried about the high deficit we have and wonder where tbe money comes from. For me, perhaps the most important question to ask is sustainability and quality of life in long term. Are we better off with RM500 to spend in few months time or are we talking about maintaining a high quality of life without bothering much about inflation that is unreachable. I think we must go back to the basic, live simply and act moderate.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
First time ever that I have the chance to attend A UN sponsored conference. It is the Rio+20 Conference of Sustainable Development at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, after 20 years the first Summit was conceived in the same place. For some, it is like welcome home to examine what they have committed before and what have been achieved. For them, the gathering must be frustrated a lot since reaffirmation of things done was promised again but without date line set. For the group concerned about climate change and green economy, these are two new edition that have been given much focus by the parties of conference. For the local authorities, yet again they are put under a situation neither here nor there. Although recognised as the government closet to the people and that everyone acknowledged the need of think globally but act locally, the local autorities are not given proper treatment as they are considered ngo group, a status that even ngo would not like to accept. Although the Secretary General of UN, Mr Ban Ki Moon said this century is theera of cities, sustainable solution must be started there, until and unless mainstreaming of local authorities is done, the little efforts of local authorities will not be impactful and influencial of making a chance without recognition by national anx international protocol.
The youth and indigenous people groups are equally unhappy as many of their concerns were not addresssed. Youth are concerned that the current pace of healing the environmental problems are not fast enough and commitments are very loose. They want the national government to view the problems from global perspective and do away with the nation protectionist policy. They are appealing that current policy makers be responsible for making decisions that affect them, the future generation. They demanded that they are treated as an equal partner, not a subject for engagement in planning and developing the World.
The science and technical group admitted that they have not done enough to communicate with the epolicy makers and layman, even amongst themselves have done research in a silo way. More interaction and exchange focusing on climate change and sustainable development is required. With the advancement of technology and resource efficiency as the key in green growth and economy, the workers group is also concerned about their next destination and whether theh will be victimised along the process. They reckoned that we are living in two planets, one on social and environment earth and the another one is the economy world. While countries can bump in billions of dollars to rescue financial institutions which encountered hardship because of mismanagement, they do not spend much on saving biodiversity and ozone layer explain well which planet is prioritised by our world leaders. For the vulnerable, like workers, indigenous people, disabled and women adaptation rather than mitigation is perhap a better solution.
For other major group under the civil society, The People Summit held concurrently clearly demonstrated their way of doing sustainability at local level is effective and more people oriented. The many appropriate technology applied at the community level is encouraging. The civil society although engaged in the dialogue has rejected the concluded document. They called for more commitment and real action.
I did learn a lot from the Conference. It is a battle field for different players with their agenda. It is a forum to promote your believe and what you are fighting for. It is platform for networking and meeting new friends for alliance. It is a place all come under the name of sustainable development, but with self interest and agenda.
Environmental Conservation
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Monday, June 18, 2012
Change is A Choice?
Some said changes are unavoidable, whether bad or good. Many will embrace changes if it is for own good and beneficiary. Many will resist from changes if it means affecting their personal interest. For example, I do not mind of working extra time knowing that I will be paid over time. Similarly, getting reward immediately will always attract opportunist and well wishers. Providing aids is, of course the most welcome regardless the social status, occupation and ethnic. However, if conditions are attached such as requiring change to be done, whether big or small will always getting people to think twice. Last week, during my briefing on the assessment rebate scheme for environmental friendly owners, I took the opportunity to talk about the e-assessment campaign, the campaign of asking property owners to agree on not receiving assessment notification from the Council. By doing so, RM 1.44 and 0.29 kg CO2 per bill can be saved per year. Accumulatively, a total of RM 300,000 or 60.5 tonnes CO2 can be saved per year for the whole Petaling Jaya. Although sending bill is not required for under the provision of law and the owners have obligation and responsibility to pay within stipulated time, traditionally this has been practiced since the inception of local authorities’ institution in Malaysia. The residents I spoke to are not willing to forego this "privilege" with the reasoning that without the notification it is always the case of forgotten. They prefer to receive the bill as a form of reminder and proof of payment done. While this view is respected and understood, it also illustrates how difficult to get people to change, to come out from the comfort zone.
Nowadays, we witnessed how banks powered over the use of electronic statement for credit card payment in which failing with you will be penalised, how to make it difficult for withdrawing over the counter in which for cash withdrawal less than RM 3000 ATM machine is to be used instead of the counter. Some institutions prefer to provide incentives to customers for transactions using digital platform. For instance, a shopping complex issuing their own loyalty card will charge lower rate for parking and reserve special floor for the card holders. These two approaches, "no choice" or "economic incentive" can evolve changes, if used appropriately. It is only a matter of attitude, I presume.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Ecomobility City
Ecomobility becomes an agenda for ICLEI. Many discussion and best practices around the World were shared. The first ecomobility city at Suwon, Korea will be further refined during the Ecomobility Festisval to be held on 1-30 September this year. Some presenters at the World Congress 2012 highlighted that connecting people from dot to dot should be an efficient way, ecological friendly and equitable. Some said it is a case of moving people without the fuel or less consumption on the non renewable energy. Some said why are we making so much fuss on walking afterall every trip is starting and ending with walking. Even we drive, we walk to our car and similarly to board a train need walking as well to the platform. Thereby, if the driving journey is less than 10 minutes, is that any difficulty of walking? Of course Malaysian including me will qoute hot weather and safety as excuse of not walking at all. Cycling on the other hand is promoted as an viable alternative transportation mode. Conpenhegen, Denmark for example took less than 15 years to inculcate the value of cycling in which 35% trips are cycling based with target of 50% by 2015. Cyclists are given top priority when it comes to traffic management and urban planning. Special lanes with cyclists to decide their own speed are built throughout the city. Connectivity is without disruption but rather vehicles are required to make way at the cross junction. It is all down to the political choice and commitment. It is interesting to note that car ownership rate in Copenhengen is high but ownership of bicycle is even higher. People using bicycle to work, shop and even for leisure. Cars are stored in the garade for weekend long distance outing. Contrast to this, China and Vietnam , the two nations with high cycling rate is threatened by the enroute of traffic vehicles. More and more highways and lanes are built. The question ponder here is this the price of development we so used to talk about? Number of vehicles is reflection of the developed status of a nation? Is it a symbol of prosperity and wealth creation? I believe this mind set is hard to change, but unavoidable need to be recorrected. We might need to learn from the experience of Denmark in CEPA (communication, education
and public awareness) campaign of getting people to prioritise the cycling on normal routine with short distance and car trip for out station journey as a start. However, without sufficient infrastructure with connectivity, affordability, comfort and convenience as well as perceived safety in place, nothing will be forthcoming.
Providing pedestrian street and cycling path above the ground is a place for humanity in making. Our cities are losing their humanity now. We witnessed the reduction of places for social integration. We do not bother to see vehicles be given priority when it comes to resource allocation for infrastructure development, perhaps because we are part of it. We forget that only minority of us owning cars but majority relies on other mode of transportations. Thereby, designing a ecomobility city is talking about restoring humanity and life to the city. Try to imagine a 24 feet 2 lanes 100 feet length street can accommodate approximately 14 cars compared to 100 bicycles or more. With same construction cost but higher turn over of people, will the businesses prefer cyclists over the drivers? I presume yes. It is also about fundamental right of the mass as walking and cycling is cheap and affordable.
With the environmental degradation is real and the need for paradigm shift in planning our cities, do we bold enough to have ecomobility as top priority? I presume we have a choice, the political one.




Friday, June 15, 2012
The 2012 Urban Nature Forum concluded half an hour ago. It is a call of conserving biodiversity, sustaining the use of biodiversity as well as reducing the risks of climate change through biodiversity conservation. While science and local action have bee emphasized over and over again, participants acknowledged that much to be done prior to the COP 11 on biodiversity, a subject that has been overshadowed by the climate change and green sustainable issues. There are no such fund or technology related to biodiversity unlike the climate change. The participants responded that for those people talking biodiversity, they will have at least love, or if not to understand the birds, wild animal, flora and fauna or else how can you have the passionate to prepare an effective action plan. Further to that, CEPA or communication, education and public awareness specifically targeted to right audience is important. And it must started young and with good leadership. Many might not realise important of biodiversity because food is always put on table, unlike climate change that can see the effect typhoon and tsunami in seconds. Are we back home still have narrow inpretation about biodiversity? Are we not widen the planting of trees and parks for greater impact of bringing nature back to the city? Are we not looking into landuse plan and landscape plan with more input on biodiversity.? I presume we should and must. Next meet on this challenge will be at the Cities Of Life Summit in Hyderabad, India from 15-16 October 2012.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Brazil - City Initiatives
While waiting to transfer to the Congonhas Airport of Sao Paolo, Brazil on 13 June, I took a casual morning walk along the streets within the vicinity of San Raphael Hotel. I saw some of the most talked about initiatives of sustainable city or liveability city or low carbon city or whatever we call on a city people prefer to live are in practice. I saw majority of the buses are operating without the exhaust pipe because buses are running on gas. I took picture about bus special dedicated lane at both site and the centre of road for passengers on board from both directions. The bus platform is on higher ground, same level with the landing platform of the bus. And with that level, ramp is built as part of the universal design concept. I noticed that textile symbolising stop are placed at the road junction and crossing as well as surrounding the phone booth. No textiles along the whole street are built and I wonder why? After some observation, I presume this is possible because no other obstructions including the signboard, flower pots, rubbish bins and commercial products are placed on the pedestrian walkways. Even at one of the street I walked by in which automobile services centres are located. To my surprise if compared with those service centres back home, no car waiting to be service, no machinery and no unwanted flat tyres are put on the pedestrian walkway as well as no bins for illegal reserving of parking lot in front of the shops are seen. It is free of any obstructions. Perhaps these are some small, but meaningful gestures toward sustainability should be practiced.
I think I know too little about cities in Brazil.
What I Saw Enroute to Rio + 20
I will be attending the Rio+20 Conference at Rio De Janeiro for the next two week. Perhaps should pen something interesting thing about small green but meaningful initiatives for sharing. On 11th June, while waiting to board the plane at KLIA, I visited the mini forest at the concourse area of the satellite building. It is such an enlightening experience of enjoying the fresh air, greenery and at time the sound of birds. I believe this is of the reflection the theme of the airport as Forest in the Airport. Hopefully the larger picture of having Airport Within A Forest can be realised the soonest, as promised when the idea of building new airport at Sepang was conceived.
Early morning 5.30 am local time (11.30am in Malaysia) of Netherlands, I was loitering around the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport while waiting to board the plane again to Sao Paolo, Brazil at 10.05am. I cannot failed to notice the wording of "Please feed me, I am hungry” at the 3 recycling bins at all places in the airport area. I personally thought this kind of sensational message is helping to raise awareness, if not but at least inviting us to ponder about the meaning. My visit to the toilet also brought some surprise as I myself have not thought about it. We always complain about the dirtiness about top cover of the toilet bowl and most of the time it was wet. The most we might do is to rub it with toilet paper but try to forget about the dirtiness for the time being. But over here in the airport, a cleaning liquid dispenser is installed for you to clean it first. While we might not convince how clean and hygiene it is, but at least it erases our perception about how dirty it is. I am of the opinion that these small gestures is reachable, achievable and do able, it is only matter of observance and sensitive we are towards surrounding happenings and daily routine. If we care, we will definitely able to find a solution.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Barrier Free City
Congratulation to Petaling Jaya City Council for being shortlisted amongst the top 40 entries for the Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management, or in short CAPAM Innovation Award. The entries will be further considered for the final round to be held in Delhk, India in September this year. It is indeed a good news considering that 120 entries have been submitted. It is also good cause for celebration after the entry of Mobilising Elderly for Community Development by the Council was voted the best 10 in Year 2002.
The entry of Barrier Free City has reinforced again efforts by the Council more than a decade ago is the right move and way forward. I could recall when the idea of incorporating barrier free features into the infrastructure development, many were skeptical and worried about the cost. Many said that incurring extra cost for minorities convenience is not cost effectiveness and waste of public fund after all not many were seen on the road. This proven wrong after the first barrier free pedestrian walkway with traffic light intervention and ramp was built in SS2 town centre. The disabled friends used the facility to the fullest and enjlyed going outing in the park. Subsequently more barrier free facilities are built. It is becoming a common norm in Petaling Jaya that barrier free is a must requirement for all development. The Council has been recognised as the leading local authority in the field of creating barier free environment. Hence, I think the Council deserves such recognition. Hopefully the practice will be given wider opportunity tobe shared wit h others.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Concurrent Processing of Permits
It was discovered that an approval obtained does not mean that applicant can start work immediately even observing fully the condition of approval. This was disclosed during a discussion with various technical departments last few days. For example, in order for a contractor to exavacute the soil under earth work permit issued by the Engineering Department, he has to apply hoarding permit and signboard permit from the Building Department and if a construction waste bin is required to be placed on public area, a permit for placing the bin is required from the same department and followed by requesting contractor service for construction waste disposal. The requirements do not end here yet. To transport out the soil or sand, he need to obtain permit of using road from Engineering Department and permit from Land Office for cutting the soil. Wait, not finished yet. If a project is of big scale and on site workers are required, he will have to obtain the permit of building workers shelter there. If the project proponent so desire to advertise his project by placing signboard on the hoarding, then he has to apply permission from the Planning Department and finally license issued by the Licensing Division. The whole process of doing earth work has to go through 5 departments and 4-8 permits in which time and cost become a concern.
I presume one of the major complaint by applicant is having gone through many departments and procedures but for only carrying out a single work. For them, it is bureaucratic. Perhaps it is time to re synergise looking into internal processing so that the need for multiple inter face with various departments can be reduced. One of the option is communicating with applicants of the procedures involved and offer them a choice of submitting application at the same time, same counter and ensure them that all permits applied for will be given at the same time and same place. I presume a model starting with simple application can be piloted first. This will be of great help to development in Petaling Jaya, even for the house owners undergoing rebuilding of their house.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
World Environment Day
Monday, May 14, 2012
Professionalism means handling a job with higher code of ethic and technical specification for the optimum return of resources spent. Why are we engaging the expert of doing a specific task that we might not familiar with? This is because we want to ensure that it is done with professional care and worth the money spent. We want to get professional input and advice even though we ourselves might be a professional ourselves because it is always good to have a technical expertise to oversee the project. Further to that, we want to get the best person, best deal, and best work coverage for better return of resources. We always advocate of getting the best person to do the job.
So when it comes to preparing and submitting the development layout plan, who is the best person of doing it? Some say the town planners because it was allocated for under the law and by training, planners are trained to do allocation and placement of land use and resources to the optimum level. However, the architect will argue that they can perform equally good or better because they are expert in arranging of building and facilities for better circulation, accessibility and networking. The surveyors by virtue of working with land day in and out claim that they know how to subdivide parcels of land efficiently. All claim they are the best person.
For project proponents, they will rate the best person for his ability to deliver with cost effectiveness within the time frame. He might not care about the process of achieving it but rather the outcome that he envisions. For general public, the best person must be the one who safeguard the interest of the community, economically, socially and environmentally. For local authorities, the best person must be the one who come out with a win-win solution that taking care the interest of all parties. The best person must be the one if interest and agenda of the designer, the client, the beneficiaries and the regulator are considered and well managed. Any element of compromising for making good on professionalism is not professional. For example, calculating every inch of open land as green space regardless of its functionality but just for the sake of providing minimum required green land under the guideline, to me is unprofessional. Any designer of fond doing this is not the best person. Project proponents requesting his designer of doing this is not the best person. An authority approving the substandard provision is not the best person.
No point of protecting own rice bowl without uplifting the knowledge and skill for performing professional duties and for the greatest benefits of all stakeholders. This is tantamount of asking for compromise in professionalism. Thereby, asking for recognition and entitlement for performing a professional duty is not only a right, but rather a heavy responsibility as well, at least to become the best person.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother Day
Mother Day is a Day for all the moms. It is a Day remembering the contribution and scarify mother have made and the hardship they have gone through for the family and upbringing of children, and some even looking after the grand children. Mother works relentlessly and unswervingly throughout the Year. Therefore, only celebrating it on the 2nd Sunday of May is, to me an unfair treatment to the mother. Perhaps, we should have all year celebration for our mom rather than a specific Day. Many might not agree with this as it is human nature of forgetting to appreciate good work because we always take for granted what we are receiving every day. For example, we always think mother wake up early preparing the breakfast for us is a normal daily routine. We presume mother will up keep the house and wash our dirty linen without any notification. We make so much assumption about our mother. We thought our mother is our maid, our banker, our protector during hardship and our friend during unhappiness. Of course, our mother will never say NO for playing these roles. When we have this perception implanted with us, then presumably we will not remember to repay the good gesture of our mother, let alone celebrating it. Hence, sparing a day to remind us about what our mother has done and deserving some recognition, perhaps is not a bad thing to do. Of course, businesses especially the gift shop, restaurant, bakery outlet, jewellery shop and hospitality sector will support the Day.
Happy Mother Day
P/s: This year 2012 is so special for me because my mom is celebrating her birthday same day with the Mother Day. A Double Joyful Celebration for my family
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Green Developer
I attended a meeting discussing the implementation of low carbon cities in Malaysia last week. It was an enlightening experience with the chances of hearing what others have done and also sharing of knowledge and opinion with others on the way forward. One of the particular people impressed me the most must be a young developer with plenty of ideas and actions of going green in his development projects. More than often we hear others of wanting to do it but might not have even started it, but Sam Tan of Ken Property Holding Bhd has so much showcases and good green practices to share. He reckoned that how extra steps and effort have to be taken for enduring green route. His maiden trial was converting an abandoned office project into a service apartment in Bangsar area. The green beginning did not stop there but continue with other development projects having green facade and elements. The green building is not mere compliance of minimum guidelines for being accredited, but a lot of innovation and creative design are incorporated. For example, designing a pathway for flow of natural ventilation in order to reduce capture of hot air and locating space for optimisation in natural lighting are some of the example. Of course, the design has eaten into the bottom line of profit margin. This however does not prevent them to experience with new green ideas and design. Their good gesture was paid back with overwhelming response from the buyers who do not mind to pay extra for getting a green home. After all, in long run, the house buyers are able to save from the green gestures. For example, the pre-installed rain water harvesting tanks will help reduce the water bill. This has obviously brought in new dimension to the property development and construction sector.
I wish to have more property developers with such "green and low carbon" features in mind come on board.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Keeping Promise
Practice as you pledged is a famous quote reminding us on fulfilling our promise. We used to promise others on what we would like to do. More than often our words are very promising and convincing that we will not stop until achieving what we have pledged. However, we are also constantly being reminded that saying is easier than done. It is not difficult to promise but keeping the words is tougher. I believe many of us, me includes making many promises, big or small everyday but not all will be carried out. Perhaps 50% out of the total is considered excellent. For example, we promise our boss to complete a task by a date but cannot deliver on time. We told our other half to go back for dinner or to buy some stuff on the way back but are unable to do so. We will always excuse ourselves by saying just forgot. We tell ourselves to be thrift but cannot resist the temptation of buying something while shopping. We promise ourselves not to over eat but unable to do so because it is always good food on the dining table. To some, while this might be a minor promise that will not hurt others or cause big loss and hence is excusable, the habit of doing it very often will lead to other promises being compromise conveniently. Perhaps to impose penalty for non performance of promises will help in reducing the incidence of breaking promise.
I attended an assembly last Monday. Every Monday was declared as Green Vegetarian day by the State Government of Selangor. The public agencies pledge to eat vegetables and practice green acts on that particular day. However, the pledge was not fulfilled during the function. Lunch boxes making of polystyrene, containing meat together with plastic bottle of mineral water packed inside the plastic beg were distributed to the attendees. I presume changing behaviour and attitude towards green and sustainable life style still have a long way to go even with the agency leading others in green movement. Well, keeping promise is easier said been done, continuing it is more difficult, I presume.
Monday, May 7, 2012
My friend sent me a video clip last week. It is so inspiring that some of those who viewed the clip cannot withstand their tear. It is a ballet dance performance by two disabled dancers. One will never imagine that such a high standard show was performed by the people with disabilities. I understand what my disabled friend told me once, "we, the disabled person are multi tasking and talented to live normal way, but unable to do so as the environment has failed us." Providing a universal design environment and platform will see more inspiring stories to blossom, I believe.
We always take for granted that for someone to excel in his field; he must be physically fit to do that. For example, for an athlete of sprint run, we presume he must have long legs. Similarly, for an artist, she must have a good looking and charming face. Our frame of mind is confined to the set value we have through our experience along the upbringing process. Some time we tend to concur with what have imposed on us without having second thought. That's why media playing an important role on "fine tuning" on how we think and perceive something. That explain why companies are spending millions for advertising of products and services. That explain why sometime media are frequently used for propaganda purpose. Tat explain why nowadays social media is getting very popular because it is handy for disseminating news and receiving all kind of information we want to have, or most of the time receiving junk that we do not want to have.
Of course, this is nothing to do to inspire others. Inspiring can only happen if the person has excellence performance in life or in work to share with others and the one who need inspiration is very distress but open to take stories that will inspire him to improve and relearn. It must be a two way communication at the right time and right forum. You cannot expect much if asking a spoon feed man, even though he is successful to tell an unemployed man how to make it in life through hard work. It is simply will not work as the unemployed person will have already framed up his mind how this man can come through with the family support. However, if a successful man with similar previous experiences or background will have better persuasion power as he will be able to share how he has gone through the hardship of unemployed and push through. The chances for positive impact of inspiring is definitely greater.
Inspiring is a required continual process to motivate people to do better. Inspiration can be in different form. Most people will be inspired because of the remuneration or cash reward. For example, receiving bonus or getting promotion for job well done. Some might have the feel good factor. For example, be recognised for carrying out charity activities. Whatever it is, I presume nobody can resist from inspiring by something, it is only a matter of identifying the right form, forum, timing and people.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Art of Leading
Leadership has been perceived wrongly by many people. When we spoke about leadership, we always look upward to our superior or someone holding high position that providing the guidance as our leader. It is nothing wrong with that assumption as considering the views of our boss as guidance and direction in our work is part and parcel of the job specification. However, to me leadership is more than listening to the superior and take queue from him/her what to do. We conveniently make excuse of lacking leadership if something did not perform as desired. To me, leadership exist in all levels and everywhere. It is not confined to our politician who lead the country or our bosses who lead the company or even our community leader who lead the society. You might be the leader on your own field. For example, as head of the household you are definitely a leader. Similarly, become leader of a group if you are leading a tour or a project. In this respect, the assertion that I cannot lead because I have no power is not accurate depending on what circumstances you are in. For example, people always condemn the failure of recycling because of lacking leadership. They reckon that leader must make extra effort to encourage wider recycling programme. They always excuse themselves for not recycling due to other shortcoming such as lack of recycling centre or bins, no proper collection, lack of incentives and etc. For me, this is a mere excuse. As a leader in the house, you can and able to practice 3R at least within your own compound. We have millions household and with that we have millions leaders. Collectively minor acts of these leaders can bring changes, I presume.
While everyone is of course the leader on his own account, the quality of his leadership is varied depending on his competency, capacity, knowledge, skill and even to some the charisma he might have. A good leader is the one who are able to command others to listen and work for the causes he envisioned. A bad leader is the one who have nothing to lead but allow the followers to act freely without any direction. Thereby, acquiring the art of leading is very important. While some born leader can lead easily, many have to acquire the skill of leading through learning, relearning and life experiences.
Leadership means the leader leads the followers. Being a leader means shouldering a higher responsibility and setting an example for others, either good or bad. To be an effective leader, you must first equip yourselves with the knowledge of managing human and its relationship. You must be able to motivate and encourage the followers to share your vision and actions. You must be able to guide them through even though in the infant stage of a programme and during difficult time. A good leader is the one who is there to cheer you up during bad time and to fire up feel good feeling during good time. A leader who run away from dilemma and take a back seat during controversial time, to me is definitely not qualified being a leader.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Power of Local Planning Authority in Plan Making
Who is the Local Authority? Is the staff or President of the Council constituted as Local Authority? I believe a lot of confusion here and misinterpretation about the Local Government system in Malaysia. More than often we heard about the complaints of residents in regards to the non performance of the Council through Councillors. While the Councillors point the finger to the staff, they are equally at fault because they are part and parcel of the Local Authority. The decision of the Council is made by the President and all Councillors sitting in the Full Board meeting. Once the Full Board endorses it, the decision becomes the policy of the Council and binding to all. However, if a practice or rule that have not got the endorsement of the Full Board, then logically and rightfully it should not have become the policy of the Council, rather it is an act of administration. For example, if a by-law provides a penalty of up to RM500 for an offence, but the Council by virtue of passing a policy of keeping it at RM150, then the policy should prevail. Any enforcer trying to impose a fine of more than RM150 is constituted of non binding and against the policy set.
Section 5, Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act 172) assigns the local authority as the local planning authority for its area. Section 16(2) of the same Act requests the Local Planning Authority to alter the local plan with specific direction upon receiving the direction from The State Planning Authority. On top of that, consultation with local planning authority must be held too about the proposed direction. It is very clear that in any case in regards to the alteration and proposal of the local plans, the local planning authority has to be in the know and to propose after taking into consideration of the State Planning Committee. It is a prerogative of the Local Planning Authority. Unless a policy has been passed by the Full Board meeting to delegate the power of taking instruction from the Committee, to make proposal and to further the process of displaying, publicity and approving the plan to the department concerned, in no case the department can carry out that process without referring to the Full Board or any standing committee that has been entrusted to do so. The discreption power is with the Full Board, and not the department.
What if a project endorsed by the State Planning Committee but was rejected by the Local Planning Authority earlier because it went against the provision of gazetted Local Plan? Can the State Planning Committee's decision supersede it? Can the Local Planning Authority still say NO even though the State Planning Committee directed alteration of plan to be made under Section 16(2), Act 172? The Act provides steps of procedures to be followed for completion of the process of altering or replacing the Local Plan. It is the prerogative of the State Planning Committee to direct and it is the duty of the local planning to observe the process as provided for. The direction, must have however with consultation with the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority should have given their views or any considerations during this period or else any publicity process held later should be construed as with consent of the local planning authority. The Council especially the Councillors should not have disputed the proposed alteration unless no prior approval has been given by the Full Board.
Section 5, Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act 172) assigns the local authority as the local planning authority for its area. Section 16(2) of the same Act requests the Local Planning Authority to alter the local plan with specific direction upon receiving the direction from The State Planning Authority. On top of that, consultation with local planning authority must be held too about the proposed direction. It is very clear that in any case in regards to the alteration and proposal of the local plans, the local planning authority has to be in the know and to propose after taking into consideration of the State Planning Committee. It is a prerogative of the Local Planning Authority. Unless a policy has been passed by the Full Board meeting to delegate the power of taking instruction from the Committee, to make proposal and to further the process of displaying, publicity and approving the plan to the department concerned, in no case the department can carry out that process without referring to the Full Board or any standing committee that has been entrusted to do so. The discreption power is with the Full Board, and not the department.
What if a project endorsed by the State Planning Committee but was rejected by the Local Planning Authority earlier because it went against the provision of gazetted Local Plan? Can the State Planning Committee's decision supersede it? Can the Local Planning Authority still say NO even though the State Planning Committee directed alteration of plan to be made under Section 16(2), Act 172? The Act provides steps of procedures to be followed for completion of the process of altering or replacing the Local Plan. It is the prerogative of the State Planning Committee to direct and it is the duty of the local planning to observe the process as provided for. The direction, must have however with consultation with the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority should have given their views or any considerations during this period or else any publicity process held later should be construed as with consent of the local planning authority. The Council especially the Councillors should not have disputed the proposed alteration unless no prior approval has been given by the Full Board.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Labour Day
1st of May is the Labour Day. A day in celebrating the employees' contribution and dedication, I think. If this is the spirit, then perhaps the celebration should be initiated by the employers and not entirely the responsibility of the employees to organise event for celebration and hence seeking recognition. Then again, if both the divides can celebrate together, it must be a sign of smart partnership and collaboration. People always say no sound is loud enough without clapping both the hand. It means any work or job is the produce of collaboration between the employers and employees. Without anyone will definitely making the job incomplete.
Some would like to name the day as Workers Day because the words of labour implying the contribution of employees have been belittle. This is so because in the past they are providing energy and time only in return for remuneration. In present day, this is not true that only energy and time is paid, but rather other services or talent such as consulting or ideas are getting rewards too. Perhaps workers are also not a word to reflect the emerging changes on employment sector. For proper recognition, perhaps we can have a more appropriate terminology such as Employees Day.
Previously, we have a chain of production that demarcated clearly the link between different of workers and the boss. For writer, you will need to get a publisher to publish your works. For song composer, the boss of recording company is important to get your song be sang and produced. Whoever artist he decided to sing it will have a bearing on how popular your song can be in the market. The employers and employees relationship is obvious in making the chain of production work effectively. With the advancement of technology especially the ICT which provide plenty of opportunities and platform for all, the relationship between employers and employees are also evolving. The writer does not necessary to secure a contract with publisher first before writing. He can upload it to the web site and market it with the social media for getting readers. And mind you, world is the market size we are talking about. Similarly, for song composer, he can produce a demo and upload it for sharing and listening. In this respect, no clear employers exist. They are the so call freelancers and their own boss. Is this group of people celebrating the Labour Day? I do not think so because they might have no employees to celebrate with. With the growing number of this group whom relying on ICT to be their own boss as mean of living, will the number of people celebrating Labour Day decreasing?
Happy Labour Day, anyway before the time comes for us celebrating the contribution of employers and employees together.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Almost There Symptom
In conjunction with the Earth Day celebration, a public lecture entitled "Climate Change: It's relevant to the Local Authorities and Community" was held last Monday. One of the interesting point highlighted by the speaker is "almost there" symptom that failing the low carbon, sustainable development and green programmes. Almost there means something has been done but not completed yet and the unfinished job is becoming the contributing factor for failure or making the intended objectives unattainable. One of the example quoted was our National Administrative Centre, Putrajaya. In encouraging efficiency of green travelling and reducing the private vehicles trip, buses with NGV operated are installed and information on routing are displayed and updated at the bus stop. However, many commuters do not take the bus because it was reported that the buses do not come on time as scheduled. It left the commuters with no choice but travel with private vehicles. This further aggrieved the parking problem in Putrajaya as all buildings have been designed with park and ride concept in mind and hence very few parking lots are provided at the destinated place. As a result, illegal parking is becoming rampant all over the place. This is an example of almost there with little hiccup that dampen the objectives of a programme. Similarly, it is a symptom of almost there if we consume more treated piped water even though a rain water harvesting system was installed. It simply means that we want to conserve rain fall but cannot impact it into reducing our water consumption which should become ultimate aim.
This symptom is related to either lack of thorough planning or attitude of the stakeholders. Planning is always failed by the efficiency in execution. While proposals can be very comprehensive to be outlined in the plan, it remains useless unless it is executed as planned schedule. For example, we spoke about TOD (Transit Oriented Development) in which higher intensity of development shall be given for those projects within the vicinity of public transportation hub. This concept was conceived with the assumption that the dwellers or workers there will commute with public transportation such as rail or buses and hence little trip generation using the road space will occur. Ideally this should be the bottom line for such concept to be successfully carried out. However, the concept will not be effectively operationalised unless other supporting factors are in place. For example, the rail line and its area of coverage meet the demand of the travellers. No point of me taking the train reaching the destinated station but have to spend another hour or to take a taxi ride to my work place. Secondly, the public transportation service must be affordable, convenient, efficient, safe, comfortable and connectable.
For me, we can have tip top infrastructure and services but program still cannot work if the attitude of the stakeholders is remained third class or unchanged. For example, the nation wide recycling campaign failed to achieve its desired goals after a decade of implementation. We do not see the recycling practice becomes a value and culture amongst the community members. We only witness the primary school pupils bringing the recycable items to school because the school is making it a mandatory activity and for competition purpose. Once the students move up to secondary and college level, the interest of recycling diminishes rapidly. I presume it is a symptom of almost there, temporary or permanently.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Planning at Local First or Later?
It was reported recently that the 330 acres Subang Golf Club (KGNS) at SS7, Petaling Jaya is up to grab for redevelopment. Many prospective developers are aiming the piece of land fronting with Federal Highway. Since 1960s, KGNS has been developed as a private club housing 2 18-holes golf course, club house with F&B, leisure and other sport facilities. Becoming members of the Club is considered as a privilege to most of its members, and also general public because many even though are passing by the course daily might not have entered the compound with grand gate. It is an exclusive enclave for many.
Top of the many concerns the news attracted is the fear of losing green lung means for recreational purpose. It is understood as more than 80% of the area is covered with cow grass and pond. Having said this, it should be highlighted that this recreational space is used for handful of people and it is not a public green space. Secondly, the detrimental effect of pesticide and fertiliser on environment for up keeping the golf course is questionable. Hence, environmentally and for public benefit, the course can be replaced and redeveloped, if need to. Perhaps one of the options is to replace it with a public park similar to the Central Park of New York, US. If economic factor and local traffic situation to be considered, perhaps low rise residential development with more than 40% greenery should be planned, in tandem to the existing bungalow development opposite the Course. However, I am doubt given the strategic location of the site, the sizable piece of land and the prospective parties.
What is the role of the local planning authority then? Can the authority say NO? Obviously the answer is yes if the local planning authority is concerned about the development impact and its effect on the master planning of the City. However, it must be long way to go since the site is currently intended for recreational use and the zoning was gazetted as such. In applying Section 16 of Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act 172) for the process of altering the Local Plan, the people will definitely have a say. It might be good to allow local planning authority and people have their views from the beginning of planning process rather than waiting for everything to be confirmed first or else the traditional confrontation stand between both divide will recur.
Top of the many concerns the news attracted is the fear of losing green lung means for recreational purpose. It is understood as more than 80% of the area is covered with cow grass and pond. Having said this, it should be highlighted that this recreational space is used for handful of people and it is not a public green space. Secondly, the detrimental effect of pesticide and fertiliser on environment for up keeping the golf course is questionable. Hence, environmentally and for public benefit, the course can be replaced and redeveloped, if need to. Perhaps one of the options is to replace it with a public park similar to the Central Park of New York, US. If economic factor and local traffic situation to be considered, perhaps low rise residential development with more than 40% greenery should be planned, in tandem to the existing bungalow development opposite the Course. However, I am doubt given the strategic location of the site, the sizable piece of land and the prospective parties.
What is the role of the local planning authority then? Can the authority say NO? Obviously the answer is yes if the local planning authority is concerned about the development impact and its effect on the master planning of the City. However, it must be long way to go since the site is currently intended for recreational use and the zoning was gazetted as such. In applying Section 16 of Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 (Act 172) for the process of altering the Local Plan, the people will definitely have a say. It might be good to allow local planning authority and people have their views from the beginning of planning process rather than waiting for everything to be confirmed first or else the traditional confrontation stand between both divide will recur.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Public Lecture on Climate Change

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Privatised Public Area for Cleanliness
I caught two incidence of uncivilised mind set last Sunday. Early morning, while stopping in front of the traffic light, I noticed a driver opened his door and spit on the floor. Later, I saw a girl throwing her used tissue onto the road before hopping into a waiting car. I just wonder if they will do the same if the car was parked inside their house? I afraid not. They will rather using the rubbish bin or wash basin instead of dirtying their own compound. Everyone is protecting their own interest, and in this case the beauty of their private space. Thus I believe the dirty public place we have is not the doing of others, but rather is the doing of all of us, collectively. For example, it is common for people to sweep the leaf onto the external drain. Similarly, for operator of eating outlets to throw food waste at the rubbish chamber.
This showed that perhaps civilisation can be very personal. On one hand we practice high ethic of keeping our own area clean and green, but on the other hand we can be so careless about dirtying public place. The question is why this happen? Why can't we be consistent to ourselves on practicing same code of ethic regardless of for our own sake or for the benefit of others? Why can't we treat the public place as the private place when it comes to cleanliness and greenery? Perhaps it is good to declare privatisation of public place for raising awareness of the people. This might be worked if all inculcate the sense of ownership over public place, or else enforcement might be the only and last resort, I guess.
This showed that perhaps civilisation can be very personal. On one hand we practice high ethic of keeping our own area clean and green, but on the other hand we can be so careless about dirtying public place. The question is why this happen? Why can't we be consistent to ourselves on practicing same code of ethic regardless of for our own sake or for the benefit of others? Why can't we treat the public place as the private place when it comes to cleanliness and greenery? Perhaps it is good to declare privatisation of public place for raising awareness of the people. This might be worked if all inculcate the sense of ownership over public place, or else enforcement might be the only and last resort, I guess.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bloody Thief
One of my Neighbourhood Watch Committee Member was met with serious injuries after attacking by the snatch thief yesterday afternoon. He and another member were on alert after spotting a suspect loitering at the SS25 exit of Kelana Jaya LRT Station around 2pm. They contacted the police and together with the patrol car trying to catch the thief on bike. However, while escaping from them, the thief with no consideration at all hitting on my member resulting him with fracture and bloody injuries. He was admitted to emergency ward immediately. Thank you God he is recovering now.
Hearing of the news this morning, I felt entirely exhausted and sad that how can on Earth a criminal so daring to kill others and trying to power over other for few dollars. Why is it so bad crime like this happened during day time. What else for the commoner if crime can occur in front of the nose of the police. I always talk about self help to my neighbours in which we should come forward and safe guard ourselves rather than relying on the security force to protect us. We might need to make team to patrol our area, to get everyone on board to create greater social integration and extending helping hand whenever necessary. However, under this circumstances, with life threatening to two of our most active committee members, Steven and Law, I am not sure others will have the same confidence and interest. Some might have even considering to move out from the neighbourhood area.
Hearing of the news this morning, I felt entirely exhausted and sad that how can on Earth a criminal so daring to kill others and trying to power over other for few dollars. Why is it so bad crime like this happened during day time. What else for the commoner if crime can occur in front of the nose of the police. I always talk about self help to my neighbours in which we should come forward and safe guard ourselves rather than relying on the security force to protect us. We might need to make team to patrol our area, to get everyone on board to create greater social integration and extending helping hand whenever necessary. However, under this circumstances, with life threatening to two of our most active committee members, Steven and Law, I am not sure others will have the same confidence and interest. Some might have even considering to move out from the neighbourhood area.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Improving Efficiency in Dealing With Construction Permits
Dealing with construction permits is a big let down in Malaysia according to most of the participants of a public consultation session i attended recently. Starting from the pre construction stage which include the land matter, planning permission, earth work approval, building plan approval and infrastructure to the construction stage and finally vacant possession of property will take 161 days in Malaysia compared to 26 days in Singapore and 67 days in Hong Kong. It is because of the 32 times interface required between Government and the project proponents or consultants whereas in Hong Kong it only involves 6 procedures. This has delayed the construction process and increased the cost of doing business. According to the survey done by World Bank on Doing Business 2011, ranking of Malaysia is 113 out of 183 economies, 2 rank lower than the previous year. This is simply unacceptable as the overall ranking of Malaysia in Ease of doing Business is 18, a rank that must have been improved due to other factors such as ease of getting credit, efforts of protecting the investors' interest and other attributes.
Everyone has been argued that delay in getting approval from the authorities for construction permit is the main contributing factor. While the consultants blamed the authorities of sitting on the application and have taken longer time to process or even to make decision, the authorities complained about the level of competency and compliance of the project proponents for their submission. It was commonly acknowledged that many submissions have been done with proposal goes against the provision with the hope that special consideration will be granted during the processing stage. For practicing the good governance in participatory planning, the Local Authorities allow public to have their views on all development projects. Sometime the need to discuss and explain with technicality and common sentiments took longer time for the authorities to decide what to do next. People want to be part of the planning process and would like their views be considered. Due to the ground sentiment and socio-political consideration, development projects application have to be deferred for thorough evaluation, even though the gazetted development plan has clearly stated the permissible intensity and zoning of development. Having said this, blaming on general public for delaying the process is not a good excuse but rather pushing the major factors of delaying a side. We might want to examine why the gazetted development plan and the impact study reports prepared by the professional are not able to convince the general public. I believe although some might have relayed their personal experiences while arguing the negative impact of a proposed development project, many come with technical input and support must have valid reason to do so.
The Discussion Session also proposed some measurements to shorten the time frame, reduce the procedures and hence cost of doing business. One of them is to enable the self-regulation principle to expand further in the construction sector. While reason of waiting for approval is valid, then perhaps to reduce the requirement of obtaining approval whereby the principle submitting person, himself to "self approve, monitor and verify" the process. The interference and need for interface is kept minimum. This can be started off perhaps first to categories the type of projects based on risk of development. For example, if a simple project of renovating small portion of the house, then perhaps it is good for authority to acknowledge without the requirement of approving. Secondly to be build up the capacity and competence level of all stakeholders. For example, the principle submitting person must possess with high code of ethic and professionalism in order to design the plan with full compliance and to monitor the works without fear and favour.
Another measure is to get rid of unnecessary requirements and procedures. For example, Is that a necessary to submit application to a different department for placement of rubbish bin rather than submit it together to the Building Control Department during the stage of building plan approval. Similarly, is that necessary to obtaining approval of Fire Department before the building plan can be approved? How about request the approval be obtained any time but before the Certificate of Completion and Compliance be issued? Can we approve the building plan first of together with the earth work plan, after all for the construction work to begin, the project proponent has to notify the authority through Form B. The Authority can stop the physical commencement of work if earth work plan has not approved. If this can be so, then definitely it will help shortening the time frame required for pre construction approval.
Finally but not least, the relationship between land matter and planning permission was debated but no solution was forthcoming. It is commonly known that obtaining planning permission first does not mean that you are able to continue with development until the land matter has been settled. As it is now, the land application is taking longer time and could jeopardise the whole process of development. The process for these two matters need to be re-synergies, and if possible for major structural change, I presume.
Everyone has been argued that delay in getting approval from the authorities for construction permit is the main contributing factor. While the consultants blamed the authorities of sitting on the application and have taken longer time to process or even to make decision, the authorities complained about the level of competency and compliance of the project proponents for their submission. It was commonly acknowledged that many submissions have been done with proposal goes against the provision with the hope that special consideration will be granted during the processing stage. For practicing the good governance in participatory planning, the Local Authorities allow public to have their views on all development projects. Sometime the need to discuss and explain with technicality and common sentiments took longer time for the authorities to decide what to do next. People want to be part of the planning process and would like their views be considered. Due to the ground sentiment and socio-political consideration, development projects application have to be deferred for thorough evaluation, even though the gazetted development plan has clearly stated the permissible intensity and zoning of development. Having said this, blaming on general public for delaying the process is not a good excuse but rather pushing the major factors of delaying a side. We might want to examine why the gazetted development plan and the impact study reports prepared by the professional are not able to convince the general public. I believe although some might have relayed their personal experiences while arguing the negative impact of a proposed development project, many come with technical input and support must have valid reason to do so.
The Discussion Session also proposed some measurements to shorten the time frame, reduce the procedures and hence cost of doing business. One of them is to enable the self-regulation principle to expand further in the construction sector. While reason of waiting for approval is valid, then perhaps to reduce the requirement of obtaining approval whereby the principle submitting person, himself to "self approve, monitor and verify" the process. The interference and need for interface is kept minimum. This can be started off perhaps first to categories the type of projects based on risk of development. For example, if a simple project of renovating small portion of the house, then perhaps it is good for authority to acknowledge without the requirement of approving. Secondly to be build up the capacity and competence level of all stakeholders. For example, the principle submitting person must possess with high code of ethic and professionalism in order to design the plan with full compliance and to monitor the works without fear and favour.
Another measure is to get rid of unnecessary requirements and procedures. For example, Is that a necessary to submit application to a different department for placement of rubbish bin rather than submit it together to the Building Control Department during the stage of building plan approval. Similarly, is that necessary to obtaining approval of Fire Department before the building plan can be approved? How about request the approval be obtained any time but before the Certificate of Completion and Compliance be issued? Can we approve the building plan first of together with the earth work plan, after all for the construction work to begin, the project proponent has to notify the authority through Form B. The Authority can stop the physical commencement of work if earth work plan has not approved. If this can be so, then definitely it will help shortening the time frame required for pre construction approval.
Finally but not least, the relationship between land matter and planning permission was debated but no solution was forthcoming. It is commonly known that obtaining planning permission first does not mean that you are able to continue with development until the land matter has been settled. As it is now, the land application is taking longer time and could jeopardise the whole process of development. The process for these two matters need to be re-synergies, and if possible for major structural change, I presume.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Catch22: Service Provider vs Regulator
Is the local authority a Service Provider or a Regulator? The answer can be yes or no depending on how you look into it and what role the local authority is playing. For instance, in issuing the license, approving a permit or enforcing the laws, local authority is acting as a regulator. When it comes to collecting the domestic waste, area cleansing, repairing the road and potholes, then the local authority is a service provider. Can the local authority becomes a regulator cum service provider at the same time for the same works? Yes, definitely, but many have not perceived it correctly.
For example, One Stop Centre of Local Authority is entrusted to receive application for development projects. The Centre will check submitted documents and received it for further processing and approval. The Centre is providing service to the applicant in which efficiency, effectiveness and friendly are to be ensured although it is for planning regulation. Checking on the compliance of application and making sure that every thing is in order fulfilling the requirement of law and guidelines is the scope of work for regulator. If similar argument is applied, then all scope for regulation of local authority are service oriented. Enforcement, for example is a service to ensure peace and order. Health inspection is carried out to improve the service quality of food outlets.
I believe the public servants have to understand that we are providing services to the public, be it general service or regulating the laws. After all, after office hour we are part of the community, the opposite site that we are serving during office hour.
For example, One Stop Centre of Local Authority is entrusted to receive application for development projects. The Centre will check submitted documents and received it for further processing and approval. The Centre is providing service to the applicant in which efficiency, effectiveness and friendly are to be ensured although it is for planning regulation. Checking on the compliance of application and making sure that every thing is in order fulfilling the requirement of law and guidelines is the scope of work for regulator. If similar argument is applied, then all scope for regulation of local authority are service oriented. Enforcement, for example is a service to ensure peace and order. Health inspection is carried out to improve the service quality of food outlets.
I believe the public servants have to understand that we are providing services to the public, be it general service or regulating the laws. After all, after office hour we are part of the community, the opposite site that we are serving during office hour.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Installing LED Lighting at the Back Lane
MBPJ launched the Program for Installing LED Lighting at the Back Lane recently. The Program is a partnership initiative in which the local authority will bear the cost of installation and equipment while the house owners will pay for the monthly electricity bill. RM100,000 has been allocated in which approximately 400 houses will be benefited from this scheme. This is part of the Safe City and Low Carbon Green City Program of Petaling Jaya.
Under the 23 steps of Safe City Programme, Step 21 suggested that lighting should be installed at the lane, frontage of houses or any dark spot. It is believed that a bright place will reduce the possibility of crime incidence. Hence, relationship between lighting and crime is established. This is logical as many of us do not want to reach out to dark place with the fear of untoward things happen. We perceive that places not visible by ourselves or others is not safe to visit. We tend to walk on the street with full lighting and with huge crowd rather than venturing ourselves to the quiet place. However, from the web search of 120,000 sites found that no concrete studies or definite conclusions have been made on the correlation between more lighting will reduce crime incidence.
Having said this, general public still believe that lighting up their house compound and passage way will reduce the possibility of crime from happen. They believe that even though thief might still want to break in unnoticed by them during wee hour, the light will hopefully bright enough for the neighbours to alert what happening next door. I think rightly so.
Using LED Lighting on the other hand will help reduce the emission of carbon dioxside with electricity saving. LED light with same intensity of brightness is consuming 60% less of eletricity compared to the conventional bulb. The use of LED lighting for combating crime is a project killing two birds with one stone. It is a project for sustainable development, with the integration of environment, economy and social components. It is a showcase of environmentally friendly can be profitable.
Under the 23 steps of Safe City Programme, Step 21 suggested that lighting should be installed at the lane, frontage of houses or any dark spot. It is believed that a bright place will reduce the possibility of crime incidence. Hence, relationship between lighting and crime is established. This is logical as many of us do not want to reach out to dark place with the fear of untoward things happen. We perceive that places not visible by ourselves or others is not safe to visit. We tend to walk on the street with full lighting and with huge crowd rather than venturing ourselves to the quiet place. However, from the web search of 120,000 sites found that no concrete studies or definite conclusions have been made on the correlation between more lighting will reduce crime incidence.
Having said this, general public still believe that lighting up their house compound and passage way will reduce the possibility of crime from happen. They believe that even though thief might still want to break in unnoticed by them during wee hour, the light will hopefully bright enough for the neighbours to alert what happening next door. I think rightly so.
Using LED Lighting on the other hand will help reduce the emission of carbon dioxside with electricity saving. LED light with same intensity of brightness is consuming 60% less of eletricity compared to the conventional bulb. The use of LED lighting for combating crime is a project killing two birds with one stone. It is a project for sustainable development, with the integration of environment, economy and social components. It is a showcase of environmentally friendly can be profitable.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Problem Without Notice
I took LRT to my office this morning. While the service is accessible and convenience for me to commute from house to work place, under adnormal circumstances or small hindrance will make the trip unpleasant one. This morning saw the rain spoiled the day of most people because it is inconvenience to hold the umbrella, if you have one or else you are exposed yourselves to the wet situation. For people have to carry something with one of their hand, obviously hodling an umbrella is troublesome. I hold my umbrella with one hand and my beg with another to walk to the LRT station and as such unable to answer the mobile which was ringing unstopped. While this is all right since picking up the phone later is bearable, I encountered a problem of passing through a small gate from the LRT Station at Taman Jaya towards the Town Centre of Section 52. The Station is fenced up with a gate openned for passage by. The metal chain link gate, however was only half open in which letting the umbrella to pass through is bit difficult. Further that, the supposedly barrier free pedestrian walkway was disconnected in front of the newly completed Court Building. I presume with the construction of new building and new entrance, the ramp and connectivity of the walk way was displaced. Then moving further, I was forced to divert from the walkway into the carriageway as part of the walkway was water logged and hence cannot passed through. All these small encounterings have making my walking trip under wet circumstances a not so pleasant one.
I believe for the service providers, these are insignificance gestures that they should look into as well instead of the macro event or happenings. No point of providing infrastructure and facilities but fail by the small undone improvement.
I believe for the service providers, these are insignificance gestures that they should look into as well instead of the macro event or happenings. No point of providing infrastructure and facilities but fail by the small undone improvement.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Catch22: Need vs Want
When it comes to right thing to do, the entrepreneurs will not think twice but make it happen even under any circumstances such as without legitimate backing. For example, start business first while waiting for license to be approved. This is understood as many can only start renovation and submit application for license after signing the tenancy agreement with landlord. Under normal circumstances, they are given one month rental free to renovate and make neccesary application for approval to operate. What happen if the grace period over and approval yet to obtain? Most businessmen will run their business without license and take full responsibility on any risk of getting fine or enforcement action from the authority. Under their stand point, it is nothing wrong if you need to pay few thousand dollars of rental with no income forthcoming. In the economy sense, it is illogical and waste of resources.
For the local authority envisions to practice good governance and embrace friendly stand towards environment and the stekholders but lack of any concrete legal backing, what is the option available? On one hand their action might be ultra virus and subjected to challenge by others, on the other hand it is something emerging or currently has been done elsewhere and morally need to be done. For example, knowing that due to heavy runoff because of increase in rain intensity, the local authority is making it mandatory for development projects to install the rain water harvesting system. The system is helping to store the rain water during heavy down pour so that the drain system and river will not be over flowing which is the major cause for flash flood. Everybody knows that this is the way forward and shall be done quicker the possible. However, the problem is getting the legislation and rules in place as support. Under such circumstance, are you waiting fo the rules to be passed first before implementation or implementing it regardless of the full legal backing? This is not an easy solution as tussle between interested parties over who's responsibility is the main subject for discussion. By instaling the system, the development project proponent has to folk out extra cost and hence affecting their bottom line. By not asking to do so, the authority might have to upgrade their drainage system by incorporating other measures such as retention pond which is costly. For individual owner, if nothing is to be done at the beginning of developmenet, I afraid many might not even what to do it. More demaging is more owners will cover their little green land in the frontage of their house compound for hard surface and parking purpose which will further reduce the land to absorb water runoff.
This comes back to the question of need and want. It is needed to have the system and logically the authority wants it. For requesting what you want, obviously the other side said you must have legitimate power to ask so. Legally it is a fair request, but morally I am not too sure... Having said so, not all wants shall be requested without any reasonable justification for the good of general public intereste or else it will become a society of "day light robbery".
For the local authority envisions to practice good governance and embrace friendly stand towards environment and the stekholders but lack of any concrete legal backing, what is the option available? On one hand their action might be ultra virus and subjected to challenge by others, on the other hand it is something emerging or currently has been done elsewhere and morally need to be done. For example, knowing that due to heavy runoff because of increase in rain intensity, the local authority is making it mandatory for development projects to install the rain water harvesting system. The system is helping to store the rain water during heavy down pour so that the drain system and river will not be over flowing which is the major cause for flash flood. Everybody knows that this is the way forward and shall be done quicker the possible. However, the problem is getting the legislation and rules in place as support. Under such circumstance, are you waiting fo the rules to be passed first before implementation or implementing it regardless of the full legal backing? This is not an easy solution as tussle between interested parties over who's responsibility is the main subject for discussion. By instaling the system, the development project proponent has to folk out extra cost and hence affecting their bottom line. By not asking to do so, the authority might have to upgrade their drainage system by incorporating other measures such as retention pond which is costly. For individual owner, if nothing is to be done at the beginning of developmenet, I afraid many might not even what to do it. More demaging is more owners will cover their little green land in the frontage of their house compound for hard surface and parking purpose which will further reduce the land to absorb water runoff.
This comes back to the question of need and want. It is needed to have the system and logically the authority wants it. For requesting what you want, obviously the other side said you must have legitimate power to ask so. Legally it is a fair request, but morally I am not too sure... Having said so, not all wants shall be requested without any reasonable justification for the good of general public intereste or else it will become a society of "day light robbery".
Sunday, April 1, 2012
We questioned about the sustainability in our way of life. We concern about our own carbon footprint. We afraid of disturbing others while having our enjoyment. This must be idealism stage in which everyone is so caring and loving towards the nature and built environment as well as the mankind. However the reality is non of the above are real in life. We encounter conflicts every minute between each others. We quarrel due to differences. We are at risk each time traveling outside the house. We do not foresee what will happen ahead of us but rather response to eventuality when it is due. On one hand we hope for the best in life, but always meet with many challenges. We are confused by the reality with scenario.
At time we are so confused and unsure what have we done that impacted the environment surrounding us. For example, while many demonstrated against the haphazard substances or waste produced from mining activities, not all of them understand the need and reasons of doing so. We have done that because others ask us to follow or rather we have done that because others have done so. We are followers to great extend. Perhaps we have three classes of followers, namely the group following the progress of events without doing anything, second class is people eagerly following the progress and having initiatives to act and last group must be the apathy one, knowing and doing nothing. The former and last group must be the confused people.
While confusion is happening at all time, letting confusion to precede other priorities and cause much a problem must be avoided for at all cost and time or else confusion can be deeper and deeper. For example, we might be confused about how a politician spoke differently in different occasions, rather than accepting what they spoke, it is always good to find out first what they have spoken and verified the truth before deciding to spread the news further. Other wise we are part of the group for confusing others.
Some time we tend to confuse people as we are indecisive on what we are trying to say. It is a situation of if I cannot convince you, then it is better to confuse you so that you are at loss and would not be able to question me further. It is a dangerous situation if the opponent you are trying to confuse is more well worth of the subject matter because they are able to tell you directly what on earth they know.
I believe Malaysian are not confused when it comes to the issue of toxic waste and "bull"-"shit".
At time we are so confused and unsure what have we done that impacted the environment surrounding us. For example, while many demonstrated against the haphazard substances or waste produced from mining activities, not all of them understand the need and reasons of doing so. We have done that because others ask us to follow or rather we have done that because others have done so. We are followers to great extend. Perhaps we have three classes of followers, namely the group following the progress of events without doing anything, second class is people eagerly following the progress and having initiatives to act and last group must be the apathy one, knowing and doing nothing. The former and last group must be the confused people.
While confusion is happening at all time, letting confusion to precede other priorities and cause much a problem must be avoided for at all cost and time or else confusion can be deeper and deeper. For example, we might be confused about how a politician spoke differently in different occasions, rather than accepting what they spoke, it is always good to find out first what they have spoken and verified the truth before deciding to spread the news further. Other wise we are part of the group for confusing others.
Some time we tend to confuse people as we are indecisive on what we are trying to say. It is a situation of if I cannot convince you, then it is better to confuse you so that you are at loss and would not be able to question me further. It is a dangerous situation if the opponent you are trying to confuse is more well worth of the subject matter because they are able to tell you directly what on earth they know.
I believe Malaysian are not confused when it comes to the issue of toxic waste and "bull"-"shit".
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